Payment Gateways

In this tab (Hotelier > Settings > Payment Gateways) you can configure the payment gateways. When a room requires a deposit your guests can pay their reservations directly on your website. But obviously, you need to enable at least one gateway. The core of WP Hotelier supports only PayPal. Stripe is available using the Stripe Payment Gateway extension.

Payment Gateways 
Enable a gateway one by one allowing the guest to select his preferred payment method (currently, only PayPal is available).

Default Gateways 
Choose which gateway will set as default.

PayPal Settings

Options that control the PayPal settings. During PayPal testing is  strongly recommended that you use a PayPal Sandbox. With PayPal Sandbox enabled, no payments are taken. More at: PayPal Sandbox

PayPal Sandbox 
Enable PayPal Sandbox. You must have a PayPal Sandbox (test) account.

Debug Log 
Enable logging. PayPal events, such as IPN requests, will be stored in a log file in  /wp-content/uploads/htl-logs/. You can view the log in Hotelier > Settings > Logs.

PayPal Email 
Enter your PayPal account's email.

PayPal Page Style 
(Optional) Enter the name of the page style to use, or leave blank for default. More at  PayPal's Custom Payment Pages