Calluna and WP Hotelier 2.3.0

Currently, there is a fatal error when activating WP Hotelier 2.3.0 (or above) and the Calluna theme. 
Since WP Hotelier 2.3.0, some filters and actions have been introduced to facilitate plugin integration with third-party themes. Some of these changes have been made in WP Hotelier templates. 
Calluna theme has some of these templates integrated in their code but they need to be updated to support the new version of WP Hotelier. 
While waiting for them to be updated, this is a temporary fix.

Open the file at wp-content/themes/calluna/hotelier/room-list/room-content.php and look for the following lines:

do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_title', $is_available, $checkin, $checkout );
do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_rate', $variation, $is_available, $checkin, $checkout );
do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_add_to_cart', $is_available );

And change them to:

do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_title', $is_available, $checkin, $checkout, $shortcode_atts );
do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_rate', $variation, $is_available, $checkin, $checkout, $shortcode_atts );
do_action( 'hotelier_room_list_item_add_to_cart', $is_available, $shortcode_atts );