Hello Theme and Elementor


  • Hello Theme (link)
  • Elementor free or Elementor Pro (link)
  • WP Hotelier - Hello Elementor (link)

How to install WP Hotelier - Hello Elementor

Download the latest version of WP Hotelier - Hello Elementor from its repository and then install it like any other plugin. Please follow this guide if you need more detailed instructions.

Elementor modules

WP Hotelier - Hello Elementor comes with 15+ modules that allow you to design all the WP Hotelier templates with Elementor.


This displays a list of rooms. Has three types of queries:

  • Rooms: a list of rooms based on your desired query.
  • Related Rooms: displays related rooms on the single room page (dynamic).
  • Dynamic Query (Archives): displays the correct rooms on archive pages when using Elementor Pro.


Displays the datepicker.


The module that builds the listing page.


The module that builds the booking page.


Displays rooms in the cart on the booking page.


Displays the current check-in and check-out dates.

Rooms Filter

A section for filtering results on the Listing page.

Room Title

Displays the room's title (room page).

Room Gallery

Displays the room's gallery (room page).

Room Short Description

Displays the room's excerpt (room page).

Room Price

Displays the room's price (room page).

Room Meta

Displays the room's meta (room page).

Room Facilities

Displays the room's facilities (room page).

Room Rates

Displays the room's rates (room page).

AJAX Room Booking

Displays the form for booking a room directly from its page (room page).

Elementor Pro Room Archive Template

Navigate to Templates > Theme Builder, select Archive and add one. Add a Rooms module, and be sure to select Dynamic Query (Archives) as the source.

After saving the template, add two conditions and select "Rooms Archive" and "Room Categories" respectively.

WP Hotelier - Rooms Archive conditions for Elementor archive template
WP Hotelier - Rooms Archive conditions for Elementor archive template

Elementor Pro Single Room Template

Navigate to Templates > Theme Builder, select Single Post and add one. And add your preferred modules (use the room page modules in this list).

After saving the template, add a new condition and select "Rooms".

WP Hotelier - Single Rooms conditions for Elementor single template
WP Hotelier - Single Rooms conditions for Elementor single template

Import demo

You can import the demo using the Elementor’s Import/Export Kit functionality.

  1. Download the demo kit here.
  2. In Elementor > Settings > General, select Rooms in the post types list.
WP Hotelier - Activate Rooms post type in Elementor settings
WP Hotelier - Activate Rooms post type in Elementor settings
  1. Activate Flexbox Container in Elementor > Settings > Features.
  2. Navigate to Elementor > Tools > Import /Export Kit and click on the "Start Import" button.
WP Hotelier - Import  Elementor kit
WP Hotelier - Import Elementor kit

  1. Be sure to have Rooms selected in the post type list.

WP Hotelier - Select Rooms when importing the Elementor kit
WP Hotelier - Select Rooms when importing the Elementor kit
  1. Assign the imported menu to the Header location in Appearance > Menus.

WP Hoteleir - Assign imported menu
WP Hoteleir - Assign imported menu

  1. Set the Hotelier pages in Hotelier > Settings.